Monday, April 25, 2011

Why I Love Books

I got a Kindle for my birthday. I come to the e-book format with reluctance. After all, haven't I worked with and loved books all of my life? I love the way a book feels in my hand, I love the smell, the texture of the page, and, if borrowed or used, the journey each book may have taken before. That journey is often marked on the book in some way. Its history in a note from the giver to the receiver.

I am a club member at Club members trade books with one another, paying only for the postage. A book lover's dream club.

I recently received a book from called  "Between Ourselves: Letters Between Mothers and Daughters 1750-1982", edited by Karen Payne and published in 1982. It is about the relationships between mothers and daughters as revealed by their letters to each other over five hundred years. Compiled at a time when it was OK to call oneself a "feminist", the letters in the book cover many different mother/daughter relationships, from the loving friendships that sometimes occurs to the sometimes hateful ones, and everything in between. 

The copy I received has the following note written on the inside cover:

In 1984, someone who signed herself "M" gave this very book to Vicki. Could "M" stand for "Mom?" Makes sense. "M" has a smiley face under it. I conclude that mom and daughter have a good relationship in 1984. I wonder where they are now, 27 years later. Of course, I may be completely wrong in my assumptions. That's OK, though. This book has a history. It was given with love in 1984. If I had gotten this book in Kindle format, I would never have seen and wondered about this warm-hearted gift. 

There are things about the Kindle that I like. I like being able to get a book instantly and not have to wait for it to be delivered. I like that you can change the font size to make reading easier. I like the Kindle much better than I thought I would. 

I do feel a sense of loss, however, when I think that e-books do not carry their history with them. That will be missed. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Comes Hard

I know, it's typical for spring. Snow one day, 70 degrees the next. Snow at this time of year is particularly galling, though. It doesn't last long, but the fact that it appears at all  is just plain irritating! Both the calendar and the groundhog say SPRING!

Still, we get some gorgeous sunsets this time of year.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fluffy Comes to Visit

My sister's dog, Fluffy, is visiting for a few days while her mom is out of town.

I have always loved Fluffy. She is a little Papillon/Chihuahua mix and is just adorable. Except for a disgruntled Margot Cat, everyone is getting along great. Margot manages to spit at Fluffy every time she walks by.

No other news from Eureka Road, except that I wish spring would arrive and stay for awhile. I did see two robins on Saturday, but I am sure they headed south on Sunday! What a long winter this has been.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Carol Collins
July 4, 1954
Wedding Day
Mom passed away on January 26, 2011. She had been ill, but the doctors had taken her out of the ICU and put her back into a regular room. It seemed like she was safe for awhile. That all ended later in the day when my brother called asking me if I wanted to say goodbye to Mom. He held the phone up to her ear and I told her I loved her. I didn't say "goodbye."

Mom, you taught me what it was to be a strong woman and, even though our beliefs differed, to stand up for my beliefs. I love you.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Off for a Few Days

I will not be posting for a few days so I can attend the funeral services for my mother.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mom and Dad

The last picture I have of Mom and Dad together. 
Dad, July 18, 1930 - May 22, 2008
Mom, March 21, 1925 - January 26, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Isn't January Over Yet????

It's still January. Oh my, oh my. When will it end? I think I saw the sun once last week. I just had to look through pictures from last fall so I could remember how lovely everything was.

Friday, January 21, 2011


It's the start of a very cold weekend here in Edinboro. We woke up to snow, blowing snow, drifting snow and now they say we will get a blast of Arctic air that will sit over us for the weekend.

Think I'll go make some brownies.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

More Winter

They say more snow is coming. We just dig out of one snowy mess and another appears. I know - it's January. I hear people complain about November, calling it the cruelest month. No way. January is. It's the longest, bleakest, least appealing month, particularly after the excitement of the holiday season.

Libby, my dog, does love snow, even if she has to wear a sweater when it is cold. She roots around with her nose, her face covered in the white stuff. She doesn't even mind that it's January.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Yeah, It's Funny

My mom was in the hospital when our wedding anniversary took place last October. Before she went in, she made an anniversary card for us, but wasn't able to actually mail it until weeks later. Well, it was worth the wait.

Friday, January 7, 2011

A girl, a boy, and a dog

I was looking through pictures on my hard drive today and found this one. I am guessing it was around 1960-1961. That's me, my brother, Andy, and our dog Trinket. Trinket was a great dog who lovingly welcomed each child into the family. Oh, and Andy turned out to be a pretty good brother, too. :-)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Finding Strength in Adversity

I was never happier to see a new year than I was this year. 2010 was not nice to me or to most members of my family. I know a lot of people who have suffered through the recession, had health problems, or lost someone close to them. Some people suffered through all three.

My hope for 2011 is that we can all crawl out of the hole we have found ourselves in and have a great year. Things can't stay bad forever can they?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Another Christmas Come and Gone

Miss Margot Cat really got into Christmas this year. She loves bows. Every one ended up with teeth marks. She played in the wrapping paper and jumped in boxes. That was a first for her. Christmas never really interested her before. Kacey, who usually gets into Christmas, was more laid back this year. And, Greta, she slept through the whole thing!

January is usually kind of a downer for me. Nothing to look forward to but more winter. I guess I will have to throw a few bows on the floor and let Margot entertain me.