Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Point in Time

Whenever I see old houses, particularly old abandoned farmhouses, I wonder about the people who lived there. I think of hardworking people who lived off the land, had their babies, lived their lives and experienced deaths inside those doors. It's a shame that these old houses can't speak. There are stories that we will never hear.

Brad and I live in an old farmhouse now. We do know a little of its history. It was at one time a dairy farm. A family lived here. The father died relatively young. The widow still lives nearby. Still, there are mysteries.

This little building sits on the property. It is falling down, but we wonder. What is it? There is a chimney and a place for a fire inside. A window has been boarded over. There are steps to the door. A groundhog lives underneath. Its face was one of the first things we saw when we came here.

Maybe I will meet the woman who lived here someday. I would love to find out more about the house, its history and the little building outside. Until then, I wonder.

1 comment:

  1. i love this post and i love this picture. reading this is like eating a bowl of thick hearty chili with crackers and drinking milk in front of a fire. The warmth just envelopes me like mom used to fold me into blankets for sleep on a cold winter's night.
