Monday, December 17, 2012

More Questions than Answers

Lots of things to think about after the horrific tragedy at an elementary school in Connecticut. I am sure that many of the "facts" being reported now will be corrected and changed in the weeks ahead. What does not change is that 20 children and 6 adult educators are gone forever and their families are left dealing with the aftermath.

It appears that a disturbed young man had ready access to guns. It also appears that his own mother was the legal owner providing that access. If this is true, it begs the question; if his mother knew her son was disturbed, why did she give him access to weapons? If true, she bears some of the blame. If true, she paid with her life as well.

Ultimately, the young man, no matter how disturbed, is the responsible party. As a nation, however, we face vital questions. How can we stop this from happening again? How can we ensure that people with violent mental illnesses do not have the ability to legally obtain weapons? How do we determine the exact state of mental illness? Does it include those who may have at one time experienced depression? How far do we go? So many questions.

1 comment:

  1. A combination of gun/ammunition regulation and better treatment for mental health issues.
