Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Ways of Middle Age

Now that I am in the midst of middle age, it's interesting to look around at friends and family to see how they are dealing with getting older.

I have always kind of taken it in stride, joking that I can't wait to get those senior discounts. I do wonder how in the world I got to be this age so fast, but if I can't do anything about it, I may as well enjoy the benefits. I have noticed that some people just don't see it that way.

A few of my women friends have gone into middle age kicking and screaming. Literally. Pass the Botox, please. Really, is injecting a deadly toxin into your skin the way to stave off middle age? I just love those mouths and eyes that no longer move, too.

Some women get facelift after facelift. You can always tell because their eyes and mouths have a definite upward slant.

Men seem to have their own particular ways of keeping the years away. The hair "combover" is a common one. So is the "I haven't ridden a motorcycle for 20 years. I think I will do it again now." After the ride, it takes them two days to walk without looking bow-legged.

When I look in the mirror, I no longer see the young woman I once was. But, I am the woman who has lived, cried, and laughed. I have the laugh lines and crow's feet to prove it.

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